Biocomp aims to have an economic as well as a social impact on Nepal while providing a good return on investment for our investors. Current and future investors can claim a proportional part as their contribution to the impact indicators. Biocomp will supply investors with data, stories, and photos with which to communicate their involvement to their audience. Above you can see the indicators Biocomp is tracking on its website; other indicators will be communicated in our quarterly report to the investors.
Biocomp is contributing to 8 out of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). We can already quantify our results for some of these goals. Examples of quantifiable results are the carbon emission reductions which are accounted for and certified according to the Gold Standard criteria; the total tons of waste collected and processed; total tons of organic fertilizer produced; the number of employees Biocomp provides work to; and the percentage of female employees. Biocomp is currently working towards clearing the reporting criteria for other SDGs.
More information on how Biocomp contributes to the SDG’s can be found here.
Biocomp will increase the financial, social and environmental well-being of the people in Nepal. The listed number of jobs are those created directly through our businesses. Many other people will have access to jobs or opportunities to increase their income through the activities initiated by Biocomp. Biocomp also contributes to sustainable agriculture and soil improvement which is key to safe and sustainable food systems. In Nepal, these food systems are threatened by the abuse of chemical fertilizers, pollution, and the effects of climate change.
Biocomp will continue to expand business segments with high social and environmental impact funded through Investors, Corporate Social Responsibility programs, grants and donations.
For more information visit our Investor Inquiries page