Impact Indicators
Waste Processed (in tons since inception)
Carbon Emission Reduction (in tons since Gold standard certification)
Jobs created (direct)
Biocomp aims to have an economic as well as a social impact in Nepal. As such, Biocomp is contributing to eight of the Sustainable Development Goals. We can already quantify our results for some of these goals; Biocomp is currently working towards clearing the reporting criteria for others.
No Poverty
Nepal is among the least developed countries in the world, with an average of one-quarter of its population living below the poverty line. Biocomp provides long term jobs and aims to increase the farmers’ income by supporting their transition to more sustainable and profitable farming.
Zero Hunger
Biocomp contributes to developing sustainable food production systems and resilient agricultural practices designed to increase productivity and production to help maintain ecosystems, capable of adapting to climate change.
Gender Equality
Biocomp provides safe, long-term jobs for women who are paid the same salary as men in the same position.
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Nepal is highly dependent on remittance; many people work abroad, away from their families. Biocomp provides decent work in waste management, in compliance with ILO health and safety standards.
Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure
The job multiplication effect of industrialization has a positive impact on society. Small and medium scale industrial processing and manufacturing are vital for the early stages of industrialization. Biocomp has already set up a factory for composting and will set up a manufacturing line for the recycling of plastics and beverage cartons.
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Rapid urbanization is exerting pressure on fresh water supplies, sewage, the living environment, and public health. Biocomp’s sustainable waste management solutions reduce waste in the streets, improve air quality and, as a consequence, public health.
Responsible Consumption & Production
Land degradation, declining soil fertility, unsustainable water use - these factors all play a role in lessening the ability of natural resources to supply food. Biocomp provides farmers with training focused on sustainable food production with the use of organic fertilizers.
Climate Action
Climate change is now affecting every country. The poorest and most vulnerable people are affected the most. Biocomp reduces greenhouse gas emissions by redirecting organic and inorganic waste from landfills. Biocomp is Gold Standard certified for Carbon emission reduction credits.